Saturday, January 14, 2023

Screamcatcher: Sa’be Most Monstrous (Screamcatcher book 4) by Christy J. Breedlove

Screamcatcher: Sa'be Most Monstrous is the fourth book in the YA paranormal fantasy Screamcatcher series that was sent to me by the author. The Badlands Paranormal Society has received their next client. Tonya, who calls because her husband has gone missing after investigating what seems to be numerous violent Bigfoot- aka "Sa'be". Jory and her friends soon realize that there is more to the folklore than meets the eye, and helping their client will require more than firepower: willpower and empathy. 

After reading the previous book, The Shimmering Eye, I wondered how Breedlove would be able to top it. Interestingly, the author shifted from gunfights and explosives to killing the enemy with kindness. I think that strategic choice was a smart one so that the reader doesn't constantly compare the book to the previous one, which is common in series. Not to mention this concept was very unique. The choice Jory and her team made to instead show respect to the creature and its family and offer peace was I think incredibly smart. This also provided a test of wills to the characters of their level of self-control. Contrary to the mostly physical test of the previous books, this was a test of mental strength and agility, an interesting pivot point. 

Bigfoot is commonly portrayed in the media and in conversations in matters that are offensive (such as the name itself), ridiculing, or made into various jokes. Perhaps that is just my scientific/inquisitive mind, but I found learning about their intellect, social structure, and motivations fascinating. I am sure there are several mythology books that deal with Sasquatches, however I doubt that there are many with the level of empathy and detail as this. This book also serves as a lesson to not assume the worst in others or judge them on their differences. The Sa'be had their own motivations and reasoning that weren't purely violent, and the end reason for why they kept Kyle was ingenious.  It certainly wasn't as fast-paced or perhaps as exciting as the previous books, but I was very interested in learning about the Sa'be itself. I also know next to nothing of Native American culture and beliefs. Contrary to the obvious paranormal fantasy from the previous books, this could be labeled realistic fiction. Without evidence, I cannot say if I believe that Sasquatches exist, but it could be possible.

I highly recommend this series and this book! 

Title: Screamcatcher: Sa’be Most Monstrous
Author: Christy J. Breedlove
Publisher: Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
Pages: 246
Series: Yes, Book 4
Rating: 5 Stars

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