
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Sci-Fi and Fantasy Books I Want to be a Movie

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. If you want to participate, click here.

This week's original theme was Throwback, to do a post that you missed or want to do again. I chose books that I want to be made into movies, from April 12, 2011 (back when Top Ten Tuesday was managed by The Broke and Bookish).

This is exciting to me, especially since The Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken is being made into a movie and is hitting theaters on August 3, 2018! I can't wait! Below is a list of YA sci-fi and fantasy books, in random order, that I hope will be made into movies in the future.

1. The Six by Mark Alpert
I feel like this one is unrealistic to be made into a movie since it is similar to Transformers and Power Rangers, but I just think it would be really, really, cool! Who doesn’t love robots?

2. Article 5 by Kristen Simmons
The set design would be incredible for this movie, with the war and the falling-apart buildings. The disappearance of American values would show people that we need to prevent this from happening at all costs, and the intense emotion and action would be a blockbuster hit. 

3. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doer
Although I did not enjoy the book, I think that if this was in a visual format like a movie, I could picture and understand the characters better, and I would hope it to be more emotional.

4. Consider and Contribute by Kristy Acevedo
I would want both books to be combined into one movie. It would be amazing to try to replicate the incredible holographic technology and solidified light, which would be jaw-dropping to see in person.

5. Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Elsewhere is so unique, and the concept of somebody getting younger would be really cool to see, and the afterlife concept with reincarnation is not explored very often in movies.

6. H20 (The Rain) by Virginia Bergin
The special effects and the makeup required to pull this off with people's skin melting and dissolving would be really, really cool. It would probably be rated R, though.

7. Numbers by Rachael Ward
The suspense and the intensity would be through the roof, and Jem's dilemma and internal conflict would touch viewers hearts. The huge explosion in the beginning, partnered with all the floating numbers, would make it incredible.

8. The Program by Suzanne Young
It would be scary, thrilling, and emotional. Tears would fall, and people would be inspired by the power of love and human rights. The movie would also teach people about depression and the right way to deal with it (not like this).

9. Glitch by Heather Anastasiu
It would be really interesting to see the world be in color and exciting, and then switch to bland and boring. The aspect of being controlled and numb would be fascinating.

10. The Rule of Three by Eric Walters
I love the book, and I feel like it would be really interesting as a movie. It could teach valuable lessons to the public about how to survive and work together. Especially with cell phone addiction, It would be really interesting and eye-opening for some teens. 

What books do you want to be made into a movie?


  1. I haven't read any of the books featured in your post. But the covers look cool!!

    I selected the freebie topic and chose the top ten book festivals I'd love to attend here in the USA. Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  2. This is a really cool idea! I haven't read any of these, but they sound interesting. I'd say that I would really like to see the book Ticker made into an anime movie.

    My TTT:

  3. I'm always a bit apprehensive when I hear that a book I like is being turned into a movie/tv show. Sometimes they do a great job and sometimes not. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

    1. Totally agree! It really depends on how much they stray from the original plotline.

  4. These would make such great movies. Thanks for sharing this list.

  5. Cool topic. I’d love a movie of All The Light We Cannot See.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  6. I can't wait for The Darkest Minds movie either. So excited! Great topic and list!
