Are there other choose-your-own-adventure books you'd recommend?
Author: Peng Shepherd
Book Reviews and Thoughts by Julia
In a futurized (but realistic) Australian society, most people are entirely dependent on "recon", which is essentially a meal delivery service, but has medicines in the food that cure cancer and other diseases. When the food cannot come due to massive oil and gas shortages and the economy falls apart, 16-year old deaf teen Piper is faced with figuring out how to survive. When getting her old bike repaired, she meets Marley, who introduces her to sign language, a deaf community she didn't know existed, and how to grow food. Communicating with others is difficult enough, never mind the constant headaches. Facing a corrupt government oppressing freedom of speech and a right to grow their own food? Now that's something else. But Piper is finding her own power.
I grabbed this book off of the shelf at the library because I have never seen anything like it nor read a book with so much art on it. Every page is watercolored with drawings on most of them. I would have read the book no matter what the topic was, just because of how impressive the art in the book is. That alone helped to entice turning the next page in the story, to see what the art on the next page looked like! It was cool to also have the art drawn be used in the plot of book. This would be a fantastic book for someone who enjoys more so comic books than ordinary reading, or a fellow artist. I wish I could draw like that! Art can have meaning that moves people. Being deaf didn’t make her any less able to inspire a revolution/movement. It was helpful to have capital letters versus lowercase letters for differentiating between sign language and oral dialogue.
Example of art in the book |
Without the art, I'm confident I still would have read the book and liked it. The story tackles social and environmental justice, political corruption, survival, implicit biases against the deaf and hard of hearing, and finding what you stand for in the world as a teenager. With each new obstacle in her way, Piper's development as a character grew, as she discovered herself and found her voice and confidence. Part of why Piper felt so real is because the author is also deaf and poured that cultural identity and experience into the pages.
I didn't really like Marley as a character, it felt like he more so served as a prop to escalate Piper's character development and be an introduction to the community who would shape her and take up the rebellion. That didn't bother me a lot though because I was much more focused on the dynamic between Piper and her mother. This wasn't just your ordinary rebellious mother-daughter relationship. The book added another complicated layer of trust issues where her mother is the scientist behind recon, who's company is the one controlling the government and spreading propaganda about the dangers of "wild food". On top of that, there's the issue of wanting her daughter to be normal and against learning sign language to the point where Piper felt like she had to hide. It's one of the most dynamic, complicated parent-child relationships I've read.
I wouldn't label the book as a dystopian because the scenario is true in some places around the world and will be true for others that rely on unrenewable resources. As someone passionate about sustainability, I liked the focus on growing your own food. Growing your own produce and community gardens reduces carbon footprints, improves air quality and biodiversity. Composting your own backyard, growing your own food is one thing that everyday people can do to improve the environment- crisis or not. There are also some helpful diagrams drawn in the book for anyone interested. :)
I highly recommend this book!
Title: The Words in My HandsSeven Precent of Ro Devereux is a YA realistic fiction book that was sent to me by the publisher. This book was released today! High school senior Ro Devereux designed the app MASH that can predict various parts of your future with 93% accuracy upon completing a 100-question survey. She never imagined that it would go viral and attract the attention of a tech firm in Silicon Valley. Partnered with XLR8, she is instructed to take the survey that predicts a romantic partner and prove to the world that it works by appearing to fall in love with them. Ro is shocked when the result is Miller, her childhood best friend with whom she had a falling out with and haven't spoken to in 3 years.
I do not usually read romance, but what drew me to this book was the unusual twist of Ro and Miller being forced to pretend to be in a relationship and how that eventually may turn into a real one while exploring what went wrong in their prior friendship. I liked the storyline more of XLR8 and how mass media and the tech industry manipulates statistics and invests more in screen time and amount of downloads than scientific accuracy. As the app took off, I enjoyed seeing the effect of the fame and business on Ro and how she handled it. Ro and Miller both made some mistakes, and I appreciate imperfect protagonists. Quick note that I also love women in STEM!
I think everyone at some point in time has wondered what their future would look like. If you google "predict my future", there are dozens, maybe even hundreds, of surveys that claim to predict your future career, number and gender of kids, where you would live, pets, etc. Even if the 93% accuracy gave a happy ending for Ro and Miller, there is still a 7% chance that the result would not be correct for someone else. What happens if you guide your future and make decisions based on what the app tells you, or if you had your future carefully planned out and the app tells you that your passion is wrong? I was glad that in addition the romance, O'Clover tackled mental health issues, family relationship challenges, and both the positives and negatives of glimpsing the future.
I highly recommend this book!
Title: Seven Percent of Ro Devereux
Author: Ellen O'Clover
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 320
Series: No
Rating: 5 Stars
I'm glad that Mica and her friends weren't extremely religious/evangelical, because it made it easier to relate to her. It felt like a normal YA fantasy book, a group of teens discovering their powers and ancestry. Zee was my favorite character. She is so sensitive and kind, and her visions and feelings played a key role in the mystery. I loved the mystery aspect. In many fantasy books that involve people with powers, the world-building is completely explained and established in the beginning. It was refreshing to see the teens come into their own while also having that suspense. Breakup From Hell definitely had some creepy moments, but I appreciated that the evil part of good vs evil wasn't too terrifying.
However, I do have a few nitpicks. I would have wished we had some more background on the characters and perhaps had them showing some signs of powers before we met Sam, because I'm still not sure if Sam and Rona influenced them, or if their presence coincidentally activated their instincts. It would have been nice if their romance started for real, and then along the way we become suspicious of Sam and Rona. I also think that the feelings with Rage (Yes, that is a real character's name), came on a bit suddenly and could have been built up to more. Also, who actually names their kid "Rage?" Seems like you're dooming them to have anger issues. It took me like 20 pages from when he was introduced to realize that he was a character and not a metaphor or imaginary friend. Those aren't big things, just little things.
I recommend this book! The way it ended, I am curious if we will receive a sequel eventually, and I cannot wait to read that if it did come out.
Title: Breakup from Hell
Author: Ann Dávila Cardinal
Publisher: Harper Collins
Pages: 304
Series: No
Rating: 4 Stars
Screamcatcher: The Shimmering Eye is the third book in the YA paranormal fantasy Screamcatcher series that was sent to me by the author. Moving on from just dreamcatchers, Jory and her friends' Badlands Paranormal Society travel to a large ranch in Montana to help Ambrose, a homeowner struggling to fight against physical and mental attacks from something... evil. What the teens face is nothing the have ever seen before. Are they ghosts? Aliens? Spirits? Interdimensional beings? As Jory's team works to learn what is causing the paranormal events plaguing this property, they are pushed to their breaking points. Whatever it is, it has been around for thousands of years- and it and its army of horrific creatures aren't going down without a fight.
In a twist, the characters are no longer facing evil spirits inside dreamcatchers, but paranormal beings in general. This separated the installment from the rest of the series and stepped up its game, sending the characters into seriously freaky, unknown territory. I don't even know how to describe this book except a mix between Gremlins, Scooby-Doo, and Ghostbusters. I will say, if this was a movie, I probably wouldn't be able to deal with actually looking at the grotesque creatures! What also strikes me is that these teenagers do not have magical powers or abilities, and still manage to hold their own against monsters that look like they could have come out of a Marvel movie or Star Trek.
I was very impressed with how despite the horrors of what the characters were facing, the writing still managed to have light-hearted moments, and at times I laughed at some of the metaphors and just how utterly bizarre the scene was. I typically do not read horror, and I think this is what sets it apart from other books that may deal with paranormal investigations/hauntings/invasions is its ability to be utterly terrifying while also having moments of calm and lightness.
In my review of the previous book, I wrote that I thought the characters were insane for going back into a another dreamcatcher after what happened in the first book, and that I would have run away as fast as possible. Now, I say that they are seriously brave, and yes, sort of insane, for choosing this for the rest of their lives and not going to college. I'm surprised they didn't go to college first and major in something like Cultural Anthropology or Folklore and Mythological Studies (yes, that actually does exist as a major, even Harvard has it). They're just kids, facing what no person should ever have to, let alone want to. I'm not saying that its unrealistic or unbelievable, but that it is admirable and extraordinary. The psychiatric toll of what they have seen and experienced should be immense, and I was glad that the book continued to deal with changes in their personalities and decision making, both for the positive and negative. It will be interesting to see if Darcy has any lasting repercussions in the next book.
I highly recommend this book and look forward to reading the next, Sa'be Most Monstrous.
Title: Screamcatcher: The Shimmering Eye
Author: Christy J. Breedlove
Publisher: Fire & Ice Young Adult Books
Pages: 224
Series: Yes, Book 3 of 4
Rating: 5 Stars
Moria was the largest refugee camp in Europe before it burned down in 2020. Ansari was a humanitarian worker at the camp herself, and this book tells the stories of five refugees at the camp, based on true experiences Ansari witnessed and the people she met.
How is it fair, how is it acceptable for anyone with even a sliver of a conscience, to push someone when they are already down, to treat someone how they were treated in Moria after everything these people have already been through? Is it racism, implicit bias? A financial issue of greed from politicians? A symbolic threat to their perceived way of life from their culture, or employment? From what I can gather from research into the conditions at Samos and Mavrovouni camps that replaced Moria, conditions are just as bad. I'm not saying to build them all palaces and enshrine them like royalty, but to have decency! I appreciate how honest, sometimes brutally honest The Five Stages of Moria is. Ansari did not shy away from discussing difficult and traumatic topics.These people have left their homes in fear for their lives, left oppression and death and corruption, and travel dangerously across hundreds or even thousands of miles, are faced with a nightmare reminiscent of their homes- Moria, often without water, food, electricity, or shelter other than a concrete floor or falling apart cot, living in inhumane filth. That, or foraging for yourself in a nearby jungle with nothing besides a subpar tent. After reading this book, you may not believe that there can be worse. The title is not stating that Moria is the worst refugee camp on Earth, but that it is perceived as so. Believe it or not, there are refugee camps worse in Africa and in the Middle East. The U.S. refugee camps in Texas, such as the one for displaced children at the Fort Bliss military base in El Paso, are frankly not even better.
Yes, it is an extremely complicated situation, and I'm not claiming to know the answer of how to solve the immigrant crisis that will only escalate in the face of global warming and the Ukraine war, but something has to give. We have to do better, we have to be better. However embarrassing to say, I had never heard of Moria before. I knew the conditions of refugee camps in general from literature and classes like Cultural Geography, but the majority of people likely know even less than I do. The only difference between "them" and "us" is where we were born, and books like these further emphasize and enlighten to that. I especially loved the presence of raw emotion and honesty on depression and the impacts that the camp had on not only the people in it, but those who work around it. Humanitarian aid workers are largely unappreciated and invalidated. There is only one other book that I could find by googling and searching various websites on Moria, lots on refugee camps in general, but nothing like this.
I highly recommend this book! While the reading level is on point for a YA audience, adults can also learn from and appreciate this book. For a relatively short read, the impact can be far-reaching.
Title: The Five Stages of Moria
Author: Elika Ansari
Publisher: Arkbound Publishing
Pages: 227
Series: No
Rating: 5 Stars
Extant is a YA science fiction book that was sent to me by the author. It is the first book of two in The Coelacanth Project series. Friends Natalie, Leo, Tawny, Owen & Brant have always known that their parents' jobs were unusual, and that they have been keeping secrets. After their homes and offices are bombed, and their parents missing/assumed dead, the teens run to Natalie's uncle, who reveals the teens are genetically altered as part of the Coelacanth project and given the ability to teleport when in contact with seawater and aurichalcum. The organization Nautilus, who claim to want to achieve world peace, follow and attack the teens. seeking to manipulate their abilities.
I understand that while Natalie was imprisoned, she was trying to examine the past events to hopefully find clues to help her escape. However, I was not a fan of alternating chapters between the past and the present, for a few reasons. The main reason for me was the different pace of the past and present, as well as the pace that I went at while reading, which sometimes made it hard for me to follow the course of events. It was also sometimes not very clear if the chapter took place in the past or the present. A simple headline of what the date was at the top of each chapter would have been a great help. The second was for spoilers; I typically enjoy the flow of a story and natural discovery, rather than knowing what happens before the characters do. I would have rather discovered their powers and the truth behind who they are as the characters did so. Switching viewpoints through time actually symbolically made sense at the end of the book with a revelation of another power that Natalie has, but personally that style of storytelling isn't my favorite.A main theme of the book is to question everyone's motives and what you assume about the world around you. Does that make you paranoid or careful? One question I have is why Nautilus attacked in the first place. I understand that they are an extremist organization and thought that violence was necessary, but if the goal is to use these teen's powers to make the world a peaceful and safer place, why not just approach them and have a conversation, invite them to join the cause and only then if they said no, use violence? It seemed counterproductive, and I am curious to find out more about what the organization actually does in the next book.
One thing I appreciated was how despite being science fiction, the chemistry as to why the teens' powers work only in the ocean with the aurichalcum "spark" was actually scientifically feasible. The specific concept of their powers was also quite creative; I have never read a book before with powers so specific and unique in this requirement. I also admired the bravery of Natalie and the other teens. They could teleport across the world to wherever they want, to start their lives over, and yet decided to try to find their adoptive parents and fight back. I do not know if I would have done the same.
While I overall enjoyed the story and thought it was creative, my dislike of the book's strategy of constantly switching perspectives back and forth through time, despite the connection in the end, was bothersome enough to rate the book 3/5 stars. However, I am interested in reading the next book, Chymist.
Title: Extant
Author: Sarah Newland
Publisher: Hiking Hedgehog Press
Pages: 406
Series: Yes, Book 1 of 2
Rating: 3 Stars