Saturday, May 21, 2022

Brief Explanation of New Adult Catagory

I finally got around to creating a new label- New Adult! Goodreads defines it as "bridg[ing] the gap between Young Adult and Adult genres. It typically features protagonists between the ages of 18 and 25". Many times I have written statements at the end of book reviews recommending books for older YA readers due to mature content, usually meaning sexual scenes and those with detailed violence. 

The Young Adult category usually has a target audience between 12 and 18 years of age. Now, there is a big difference between a 12-year-old's maturity and societal understanding compared to an 18-year-old's. I was one of those students who tried to read every single book in my middle school library. I certainly read some books with language and ideas that were unknown to me at the time, and definitely suited more to 8th graders instead of 6th, or in high school for 12th graders rather than 9th. I was also someone who always read at a further ahead reading level than my peers. 

I went back to every book review where I advised for older YA readers to read it or issued a content warning. and added it as New Adult. This should help older YA readers or parents who visit my blog! I do not plan to set out to review New Adult books, however I feel that will be a helpful guidance! 


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